Accessbility information about the facility and property
Information on accessibility
The experience and comfort of our guests is our top priority. If at any time you have questions or concerns about the property, please contact us at:
Email: Info@CaravanHostel.com
Phone: +1 (202) 964-2479
This page has information on physical accessibility of the property:
The property is a historically-designated building originally built around the year 1901 in Washington, D.C. It is considered a contributing property to the Washington Heights historic district.
Entrance to the property: The facility entrance is located on 18TH Street Northwest and climbing stairs is required to enter the facility. There is no ramp. There is no lift.
No elevator inside. There are stairs inside: The facility does not have an elevator. Once inside the facility, the use of stairs is required to reach all floors either up or down from the lobby level.
Accessible public restrooms - The facility offers one accessible restroom which is located on the lobby level. The restroom has a sink, toilet, and shower. The bathroom has a five foot turning radius within the room. The shower is a transfer-type shower.
Accessible rooms - An accessible room is available located on the lobby level. The room is the dorm-style room and is shared with other hostel guests, like most all the rooms at the property.
The accessible guest room includes wheelchair-accessibility, accessible door locks, and adequate turning space.
The room does not have any in-room communication features.
The room does not have a bathroom within the room. The nearest accessible bathroom is the bathroom located in the lobby space, also on the lobby level.
The room entry door is approximately 36 inches wide.
The room is equipped with a strobe-light and audible-horn device which is connected to the building fire alarm system.
Registration Desk: Registration for guests takes place either online or in the lobby area. A formal check in with staff in the lobby can take place either at the registration desk or at any other furniture or table in the lobby attended by a staff member. Most of the furniture in the lobby consists of standard height and size seating areas and tables.
Communication features: The rooms at the property are not equipped with phones or intercoms. Communication between guests and staff can take place in person or online and digitally using various mobile phone or smart phone devices.
Accessible Parking: The property does not have any parking of it’s own - there is no parking lot and no dedicated parking spaces for the property. Therefore, because the property does not have parking at all, there is no accessible parking provided. Street curbside parking is available on a first-come, first-serve basis on the public streets near the property. There is a public parking garage located a half-block from the property and that public garage does have accessible parking spots reserved for vehicles with are displaying the appropriate accessible parking placard or license plate.
Written information either on the website or written documents on the property: There may be from time to time information that is written in a file format or method such as .PDF file which is not readable by an accessible reader or communication device. If there is info contained in a PDF file or other non-accessible-readable format, please contact the staff at the property and the staff can provide the information in an alternate way.
Please read our Website Accessibility Statement which describes our efforts to ensure website accessibility and provides contact information for feedback, or to report any accessibility issues. Website Accessibility Statement